Analysis of dose-Response curves
actimL Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
anova.drc ANOVA for dose-response model fits
AR.2 Asymptotic regression model
AR.3 Asymptotic regression model
baro5 The modified baro5 function
BC.4 The Brain-Cousens hormesis models
BC.5 The Brain-Cousens hormesis models
bcl3 The Brain-Cousens hormesis models
bcl4 The Brain-Cousens hormesis models
boxcox.drc Transform-both-sides Box-Cox transformation
braincousens The Brain-Cousens hormesis models
cedergreen The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
coef.drc Extract Model Coefficients
comped Comparison of effective dose values
compParm Comparison of parameters
confint.drc Confidence Intervals for model parameters
CRS.4a The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
CRS.4b The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
CRS.4c The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
CRS.5a Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis
CRS.5b Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis
CRS.5c Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing hormesis
CRS.6 The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
diagnostics Information on estimation
drm Fitting dose-response models
drmc Sets control arguments
ED Estimating effective doses
ED.drc Estimating effective doses
ED.mrdrc Estimating effective doses
estfun.drc Bread and meat for the sandwich
EXD.2 Exponential decay model
EXD.3 Exponential decay model
fitted.drc Extract fitted values from model
FPL.4 Fractional polynomial-logistic dose-response models
fplogistic Fractional polynomial-logistic dose-response models
G.2 Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve
G.3 Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve
G.3u Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve
G.4 Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve
genBliss Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
genBliss2 Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
genLoewe Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
genLoewe2 Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
genursa Model function for the universal response surface approach (URSA) for the
quantitative assessment of drug interaction
getInitial Showing starting values used
getMeanFunctions Display available dose-response models
gompertz Mean function for the Gompertz dose-response or growth curve
gompertzd The derivative of the Gompertz function
gompGrowth.1 Gompertz growth models
gompGrowth.2 Gompertz growth models
gompGrowth.3 Gompertz growth models
iceLoewe.1 Model function for the universal response surface approach
(URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction
iceLoewe2.1 Model function for the universal response surface approach
(URSA) for the quantitative assessment of drug interaction
isobole Creating isobolograms
L.3 The logistic model
L.4 The logistic model
L.5 The logistic model
l2 The two-parameter log-logistic function
l3 The three-parameter log-logistic function
l3u The three-parameter log-logistic function
l4 The four-parameter log-logistic function
l5 The five-parameter log-logistic function
lin.test Lack-of-fit test for the mean structure based on cumulated
LL.2 The two-parameter log-logistic function
LL.3 The three-parameter log-logistic function
LL.3u The three-parameter log-logistic function
LL.4 The four-parameter log-logistic function
LL.5 The five-parameter log-logistic function
LL2.2 The two-parameter log-logistic function
LL2.3 The three-parameter log-logistic function
LL2.3u The three-parameter log-logistic function
LL2.4 The four-parameter log-logistic function
LL2.5 The five-parameter log-logistic function
llogistic The log-logistic function
llogistic2 The log-logistic function
LN.2 Log-normal dose-response model
LN.3 Log-normal dose-response model
LN.3u Log-normal dose-response model
LN.4 Log-normal dose-response model
lnormal Log-normal dose-response model
logistic The logistic model
logLik.drc Extracting the log likelihood
maED Estimation of ED values using model-averaging
MAX Maximum mean response
mixture Fitting binary mixture models
ml3a The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
ml3b The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
ml3c The Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig model
ml4a Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing
ml4b Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing
ml4c Cedergreen-Ritz-Streibig dose-reponse model for describing
MM.2 Michaelis-Menten model
MM.3 Michaelis-Menten model
modelFit Assessing the model fit